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Search the web.
Impact the world.
Be an everyday hero.

With Seva, your everyday searches power change for a cause that you care about. Take 10 seconds to download our extension and have every search do some good.
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Teamwork makes the dream work.

Create or join a team to make a difference together. As your team searches the web, we'll aggregate your impact and give you reports on the real life results that you're creating.

How it works

Seva in action

We started Seva with a desire to help those in need of food. We've since expanded our causes, but take a look at what started it all. See the inspiration and opportunity that drives all of us at Seva.
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How we operate

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We’re a public benefit organization and we will report our financials every quarter. We know trust is a key part of making this vision a reality.
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Unlike other search engines, we don’t track you. We're able to count your searches to calculate the benefits you're creating, but that's it.
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We’re here because we want to be a part of the solution. Writing checks to our great charity partners is what drives us.

Why use us instead of Google?

  1. You get the same great search results.
  2. We don't track you.
  3. You get to make a difference.
It takes 10 seconds to download the extension. Moving forward just open new tabs and search as you normally do to raise funds for a cause that you care about. We don't track you and we give great search results with all the widgets that you're used to. Why not?Try it for a month. You could enrich up to 500 meals or provide over 1000 liters of clean drinking water in just 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Seva make money?

Pretty simple: you search, we donate.

Search engines like ours make money when people search and click on ads.

We then take the revenue from your searches and give (over 50%!) directly to your chosen cause. The rest is used to operate our business.


Seva means “selfless service” in Sanskrit. Helping others. Seva is a search engine that positively impacts the world. We're part of a movement to do more. You search the internet every day - why not do some good while you're at it?
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